About Us
We are a four Partner firm, established in 1979 by Mr. William J. Kennedy Senior Litigation Partner and State Solicitor for County Galway West. Mr. John B. Fitzgerald joined the practice in 1984 and became a Senior Partner in 1996. Ms. Sinead Curtis and Ms. Sinead Fitzpatrick joined the practice in 1996 and 1997 respectively and became Partners in 2004. With effect from 17 August 2020 we have been authorised by the LSRA to operate as a Limited Liability Partnership pursuant to section 125 of the LSR Act 2015*.

William Kennedy
Mr. Kennedy is the founding partner and Senior Litigation Partner. He has also been the State Solicitor for County Galway West since 1979 and it is for this reason that we do not act in Criminal Defence cases. Mr. Kennedy has over 40 years experience in all areas of Litigation and in particular Personal Injury Litigation and Medical Negligence Litigation. In the past 2 years alone he has dealt with a number of High Profile Personal Injuries and Medical Negligence cases resulting in multi million euro settlements or awards. In addition, Mr. Kennedy has significant experience in Defence Litigation and Family Law. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the State Solicitors Association of Ireland, The Law Society of Ireland and the Galway Solicitors' Bar Association of which he is a former President.
Jack Fitzgerald
Mr. Fitzgerald BCL AITI joined the firm in 1984 and became a Partner in 1996. He is the Practice Manager and has over 35 years experience in Commercial Transactions, Commercial Litigation and Commercial dispute resolution. He has acted for both Plaintiffs and Defendants in a broad range of commercial disputes in areas such as Company Law, Contract, Insurance and Probate. He has extensive expertise in Conveyancing (Commercial, Agricultural and Residential), Insolvency and Debt Recovery, Landlord and Tenant Law, Licensing, Wills, Probate and Estate Planning and Corporate Restructuring. He is a graduate of UCC and a member of the Law Society of Ireland and of the Galway Solicitors' Bar Association. Mr. Fitzgerald is also an Associate of the Institute of Taxation of Ireland.
Sinead Curtis
Ms. Curtis BA LLB obtained an LLB from NUI Galway in 1996 and qualified as a Solicitor in 2000. She has been with the Firm since 1996 first as a Trainee Solicitor, then as an Assistant Solicitor and was appointed Litigation Partner in 2004. Ms. Curtis has over 20 years experience and expertise in Injuries Board claims and Personal Injuries Litigation, Medical Negligence, Family Law, Employment Law, General Litigation and Dispute Resolution. Ms. Curtis is a member of the Law Society of Ireland and of the Galway Solicitors' Bar Association.
Sinead Fitzpatrick
Ms. Fitzpatrick BA LLB obtained an LLB from NUI Galway in 1996 and qualified as a Solicitor in 2001. She joined the firm in 1997 first as a trainee solicitor, then as an Assistant Solicitor and was appointed Conveyancing Partner in 2004. She has over 19 years experience in Conveyancing (Residential, Commercial and Agricultural). She also has extensive expertise in Landlord and Tenant Law, Wills, Probate and Estate Planning, Insolvency and Debt Recovery, Licensing, Employment law District Court matters and litigation involving any of the above areas. Ms. Fitzpatrick is a member of the Law Society of Ireland and of the Galway Solicitors' Bar Association.
Limited Liability Partnership
From the 17 August 2020, Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP has been authorised by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority pursuant to section 125 of the Legal Services Regulation act 2015 ("the Act") to operate its business comprising the provision of legal services as a Limited Liability Partnership under the title and style of Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP Registration Number 1262294.
From that date, as set out in Section 123 of the Act ("the Act") (subject to the exceptions listed therein) a partner in Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP has no personal liability for any debts, liabilities or obligations which are incurred for the purpose of carrying on the business of the LLP (whether these are liabilities of Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP, of himself or herself, of another partner or partners in Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP or of any employee, agent or representative of Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP ) and however such liability may arise.
The above relates only to the presonal liability of partners and does not prevent or restrict the enforcement against the property of the LLP of any debt, liability or obligation.
From the 17th August 2020 the Partnership Act 1890 applies to Kennedy Fitzgerald LLP to the extent that it is not inconsistent with Chapter 3 of Part 8 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015